How To Start A Blog in 2024 (Make $10,000 Per Month)

How To Start A Blog in 2024 and Make $10,000 Per Month

Did you know, as of 2021, there were more than 570 million blogs on the internet as per the reports by WordPress, Blogger, Tumbler, Medium, and Wix?

Isn’t it such a big number? But why are so many people switching to blogging?

The best answer is to make an automated passive income stream and replace it with their full-time 9-5 jobs!

Are you also planning to start a blog but don’t know where to start?

How excited did you feel when you read the title of this blog? 

Do you want to learn how to generate a powerful passive income stream by just writing blogs and publishing them on the internet? 

Do you want a step-by-step guide on how to start a blog for free and make money ($10,000 a month)?

If you are thinking to start a blog but haven’t yet, you’re at the most perfect place on the internet! 

But just hold on a second!

Starting a website and writing content is easy. But to start a blog and earn a substantial income from it is very tough, but achievable.

In this blog, you will learn how to start a Word Press blog within 15 minutes and also some proven methods to earn almost $10,000 per month out of it!

So this is your ULTIMATE DETAILED GUIDE on how to start a blog with no money. You just need to stay motivated and have a learning attitude. That’s it!

I know you’re so much excited about it. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

We have divided this blog into 5 easy steps that will help you to start a blog in just a few minutes. Understanding and implementing these key steps will help you develop a deeper insight into blogging.

Not only this, but you will also learn how to start a profitable blog with minimum investment! 

Let’s start with our step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Pick a Profitable Niche For Your Blog

Find a Profitable Niche for your Blog | PenChise

A “niche” means a particular topic or agenda for your blogging website.

One of the biggest hurdles for a beginner is finding a niche. Not just any niche, the PERFECT niche for you. And we admit, it is a bit tricky.  But worry not, we got you!

Your niche hugely impacts the success of your blog. But many people get it wrong.

Some people choose a niche in which they neither have any interest nor any knowledge but they pick it just because it is trending when they start a blog. Some pick out very broad niches that are difficult to get started on. 

This is why many new bloggers (99%) fail and end up quitting before their website can take even take-off!

You don’t want that happening to you right? 

So, here we have laid down 3 STRONG tips to choose an interesting and profitable niche when starting a blog.

1. Focus On One Topic Only

When you start a blog, stay away from niche ideas like “ How to make money online fast” or “Get rich quick”. These are very broad niche topics to start a blog with and there are already thousands of articles on them. There is massive competition in the “online money-making” domain, so it will be very difficult to succeed.

Instead, choose something specific. 

For example, “How To Learn Guitar” instead of “How To Play Music”.

Narrow down your niche to just ONE topic, ONE single idea, and expand on it. If you want to work on the “online money-making” niche, you can rank among the top in Google by narrowing your niche even more such as “How to make money with blog writing”.

This way you can start a blog in a specific niche and monetize your website. This is a great tip for sustaining your website in the long run.

Some of the top profitable niche ideas of 2024:

  • Earn money online
  • Finance
  • Traveling 
  • Fitness and health
  • Personal development
  • Love and relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Real estate 

These niches are all broad topics. You have to choose anyone and narrow it down to just one single topic.

For example, “How To Do Strength Training For Beginners” instead of “How To Get Fit”. 

Here, “How To Get Fit” becomes a broad topic including many methods to getting fit. But, strength training is a specific domain under fitness. That’s how you can narrow down any topic.

These 3 things should be common in the PERFECT niche:

  • The niche you enjoy writing about
  • The niche people will pay for
  • The niche you have expertise in

Your chances of success will ultimately increase when you choose a good niche for yourself and narrow it down.

2. Select Your Niche Using The 777 Method

777 Method by Pat Flynn

Smart Passive Income’s Pat Flynn created the “777 Method” for selecting niches. This is an excellent approach to selecting the perfect profitable niche for you.

Here’s the breakdown of this concept:

  • Write down your 7 passions, 7 problems, and 7 fears on a blank sheet
  • From this list of 21 ideas, pick 10 topics that you find “click-worthy” and “evergreen”
  • After that, use a keyword research tool like KWFinder to extract the best keywords that can help your blog to rank.

So, did you get the concept? 

It’s that simple. So, what are you waiting for? 

Go, use this method and find your niche!

3. Provide Solutions To New Or Existing Problems 

  • People needed cabs to move around, hence Uber was invented.
  • People wanted to shop easily, hence Amazon was invented.
  • People wanted every information at their fingertips, hence Google was invented.

To solve an issue, you need a problem first. Think of any current issue that the world might be facing in terms of relationships, health, finances, lifestyle, family, etc. 

This is one of the best techniques to build a business online nowadays.

Follow these steps:

  • Create a list of topics that address an issue.
  • Explore the websites in the same niche which are generating traffic and making a profit.
  • Search for their most popular blogs or use a tool like Ahref to get the “traffic-generating keywords”.
  • Repeat the process for all the other blogs.

These steps will help you get an idea of how high-traffic blogs are written on the web. You will also observe how an entire website can be beautifully built around a specific domain/problem.

By now, you might have got a good idea about how to select a niche for your blog. Now, let’s start building our website around this niche!

Step 2: Find A Good Domain Name And Buy Web Hosting

Buy website hosting and domain name

Once you’ve understood how to pick a niche for your blog, let’s see what is a domain name.

Every first-time visitor will notice the domain name of your blog website. To make a profitable blog website, you need a solid domain name that is simple and memorable. It not only leaves a wonderful first impression, but also has an impact on SEO, sales, conversions, and many other things.

Your domain name will define your unique brand so make sure you choose one that fits you perfectly. Keep it short, easy to understand, and easy to pronounce.

5 Easy Tips To Find The Perfect Domain Name For Your Blog Website

We know that it is difficult to find a good domain name. Following are 5 SOLID tips to help you select the best one:

1. Domain Length 

Choose a short domain. You need to brainstorm a little bit and try to create a one-word or two-word domain name such as Facebook, Apple, Google, PenChise, HostingMonks, etc.

2. .com Is Best For Domain

Almost everyone (99% users) will search for websites ending with .com TLD (Top Level Domain). So, it’s best for you to choose .com TLD instead of others like .net, .org, .info, .app etc. You can also find some expired domains if you want domain names with high DA(Domain Authority).

3. Avoid Numbers And Hyphens

Keep your domain name simple and easy to memorize. Do not include any numerals or hyphens that might overcomplicate it.

4. Memorable And Simple

Think hard and look for some of the simplest and easiest domain names. It should be simple, meaningful, and easy to remember. It might take some time to find the perfect one, but it’s worth the effort.

You can also combine two different words for a domain name such as:

  • Squad Help
  • Passion Paper
  • Content Base
  • Smart Blogger and many more

You get the idea, right?

5. Online Domain Name Generator

The process of finding the perfect domain name when you start a blog might be tricky.

But worry not!

Here are some free online domain name generator tools:

Simply, enter your niche or topic of the website and you will find lots of search results. Choose any from them or take ideas from them and make your own.

Just remember to keep your domain name simple, unique, and memorable


You just completed one major step towards how to start a blog.

Now, you need to find a good web hosting to host. Web Hosting $3.95

Bluehost is one of the many hosting platforms used by millions. Over 2 million websites use Bluehost worldwide today.

How To Create A Blog Website With Bluehost?

1. Visit The Official website of bluehost

Here, we’ve made it easy for you: Bluehost Sign Up!

Buy web hosting from Bluehost

2. Select The Best Web Hosting Plan

Since it is a paid service, there are many monthly subscription plans to choose from. Depending on your budget, website requirements, and interests, you select among – Basic, Plus, and Choice Plus.

Bluehost best website hosting plans

If you’re just a beginner looking to start a blog, the basic plan is the best option to go for, since it starts at just $2.95 per month. If you can afford the costlier plans, then go for it! They offer more features and assistance.

3. Enter Your Desired Domain Name

Do you like free stuff?

What if I say that I can get you a free domain for 1 year? Isn’t it amazing!

As we discussed earlier, choose a domain name that is simple, easy to memorize, and easy to search.

Domain name for blog website

4. Fill In Your Account Details

Fill in basic information like your name, address, email, phone number, etc. After this, you need to make payment for your chosen plan.

Putting account details on Bluehost

These are the discounted prices, especially for PenChise readers:

  • 12 Months: $2.95/month
  • 36 Months: $4.95/month

What you’ll get for our special discount link?

  • Flat 70% Off on all Bluehost hosting plans
  • 100% free domain for 1 year
  • Free SSL certificate for lifetime
  • 1-click WordPress installation
  • 24/7 Super-active customer support

After this, check the Package Extras that you need or just keep them unchecked.

Provide your payment information. Then, click Submit.

With the basic plan, you’ll be charged only $35.40 for 12 months using our special discount link. After completing the payment and all the steps above, you’ll land on the confirmation page. You’re done 🙂🙂

5. Create Your Account And Login

Click on the Create Account button from the last step to create your own account.  You will need this account to gain access to the Bluehost control panel (cPanel).

Create a strong and secured password using alphabets, numerals, and special characters. After successfully making your account, log in to the same account. You will need to install WordPress next.

Type in your domain name, and password, and hit Log In. After logging in, you will see the Bluehost cPanel.

Bluehost CPanel WordPress

WordPress will give a temporary address of your website in the highlighted box above. But this will soon change to your actual domain address.

Next, click on the WordPress button on the top right to install WordPress. After installation, you can see the dashboard of your WordPress blog by directly.

Your dashboard will look like this😯:

WordPress dashboard

You can see how we created a whole website within10 minutes without even writing a single piece of code! Isn’t it super-easy?

Now, you can start a blog and customize using different available features.

Step 3: Design the Look Of Your Website

You’ve successfully set up your very own blog! You have already learned so many steps on how to start a blog. Pat yourself on the back 🙂🙂🙂

The next important task is to bring your blog to life, as in, design your blog (give it a proper look and vibe). Did you ever notice how every blog website has a different design and layout? 

Even though the hosting site is the same, each blog will have a unique persona. This is because of various website themes

WordPress also offers free themes, but they are very generic and do not include any extra features and addons. You can opt for premium tools for a customized theme to start a blog with. These themes will be designed and give your brand and site a unique persona

Side Note: Although the paid tools might seem expensive, they will represent your blog in a professional manner. It can therefore be considered the only must-do investment as WordPress free themes look very ordinary.

Elegant Themes (Divi) WordPress Themes

Elegant themes offer the most beautiful and responsive WordPress themes at $89/year or lifetime access at $249. Through this, you can explore beautiful themes like Divi and more.

GeneratePress Premium WordPress Themes

To start a blog, GeneratePress Premium is another less expensive and efficient option out there for you at just $59/year or lifetime access at $249.

Noteworthy Tips For A Catchy Blog Design

  • Leave sufficient blank space to keep it neat.
  • Choose the best theme out of the 87 themes offered by Elegant Themes
  • Avoid using so many ads while starting on your blog. Don’t make your website crowded with too many ads.
  • Design a logo for your brand ( you can get a professional one at just $5 from Fiverr)
  • Enable social sharing buttons for readers and other people to share your blogs. You can get a lot of plugins (tools) to install on WordPress. You can also opt for the Sassy Social plugin for the same.

Step 4: Write Engaging Blog Content For Your Readers

Write Engaging Blog Content For Your Readers

Once you’ve checked off all the things mentioned above, it’s time to write content for your readers. But before you start posting your blogs, you have to give your readers an idea about your blog and what topic will you cover.

To achieve the same, your blog posts will be divided into:

  • Basic information pages
  • Actual money-making content

Side Note:  If you want to make your content writing process automated, you can sign up for Jasper’s free trial. Jasper is a premium AI content generator tool

1. Basic Information Pages

These are the must-have pages of every blogging website. One of the most important pages is your “About Us” page. This will include your team members, the purpose of your blog, the inspiration behind your blog, readership expectation, etc.

Apart from About Us, your blog must include:

  1. Contact Page
  2. Privacy Policy Page
  3. Extra Service Page (In case you offer any)

2. Actual Money-Making Content

These are your official blog posts/articles. Your posts on various topics will provide the content that your readers will come to see.  So you need to have a solid writing strategy in place.

Before you start a blog and begin the writing process, you need to ensure that the information you provide is authentic, legitimate, and trustworthy.

Although if you’re a beginner in blogging then you might feel it complicated to start a blog and write content. Don’t worry, we’re here to make it easy for you!

Tips to Write Content That Everyone Would Love To Read!

1. Write Enough Content for your website

You need to give your readers enough initial posts so that they would want to come back again. To start a blog that readers will come back to, you should have at least 5 articles properly written and posted on your website.

The more information you provide to your readers on different topics, the better! Posting sufficient content on your site is crucial because:

  • It will reduce your bounce rates
  • You will have more opportunities to promote your blog
  • It can drive potential clients to your website by making you look professional

2. Write Blogs That can bring traffic to your website

Have you observed how some blogs are read by hundreds of people online? 

These are the blogs that rank higher up on Google. The more targeted traffic you can bring, the more you’ll earn.

Traffic = Money

Nowadays, there are a lot of tried-and-tested tools in the market that will help you to attract the maximum amount of traffic to your website. You should try out KWFinder

KWFinder is a keyword research tool that will help you to find the best keywords to rank your blogs. After using this tool, you will understand how to write content that can actually rank. You can later convert that traffic into revenue.

Head on to the next point to understand how to use it.

How To Use KWFinder For Keyword Research?

Firstly, type your keyword(s) in the search bar. After that, select desired location and language given on the side. Then, click “Find keywords”.

Long Tail Keyword research with KWFinder

Since we entered “online marketing” as a keyword, here is the following result:

Keyword analysis with KWFinder by Mangools

On the left side, you can see the keywords listed. The free version offers only 25 keywords.

Other features like:

  • Trend: shows the popularity of the keyword in graphs
  • Search: shows how many people have searched for that keyword in the last 3,6 or 12 months
  • CPC(Cost-Per-Click): shows how much to pay for each click 
  • PPC(Pay-Per-Click): it ranges from 0-100, 0 meaning ver less competition and 100 meaning highest competition for that keyword
  • KD(Keyword Difficulty): this shows which keywords would be best for you and which ones you should discard. 

Refer this:

  • 0 – 9: start directly
  • 10 – 19: very easy
  • 20 – 29: easy
  • 30 – 39: not too hard
  • 40 – 54: feasible
  • 55 – 74: hard
  • 75 – 89: very hard
  • 90 – 100: should be avoided

SERP Results

This page provides you with more information and features such as:

  • URL
  • DA(Domain Authority)
  • PA(Page Authority)
  • CF(Citation Flow)
  • Links
  • Facebook shares
  • LPS(Link Profile Strength)
  • EV(Estimated Visits per month)

Step 5: Optimize Your Blog For SEO and Track Analytics

SEO optimization of blogs to rank higher on SERP

The next step is to optimize your content for SEO. SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is basically a content writing process through which you can upscale the quality of your blogs for traffic.

Without knowing SEO content writing, it will be very hard to start a blog and gain success on it. Even if your content is top-notch, you still need to know SEO tactics!

So in this section, we will learn how to start a blog that ranks in search engines like Google and get more organic traffic. Follow these crucial steps mentioned below:

1. Install WordPress SEO Plugin

Rank Math Pro - WordPress SEO plugin

Rank Math is the most feature-rich SEO plugin that you must install on your WordPress to optimize your website. This tool will assist you in writing SEO content for your website by offering premium on-page SEO suggestions.

Follow the rules and tips suggested by the tool such as maintaining the word count, keyword density, external links, image alt attribute, etc.

If you want to know more about Rank Math SEO plugin then you must read our in-depth guide on – Rank Math Review: The Game-Changing WordPress SEO Plugin In 2024!

2. Add Google Analytics Code To Your Website

You should install Google Analytics on your website to track your analytics. It is a 100% free-to-use tool that offers features like page views, unique visitors, which pages are getting traffic, etc.

Also, amazing features like which keywords bring more traffic, visitor demographic, interests, devices used, etc. Not just this, Google Analytics helps you to blog more professionally.

Simply writing content is not enough. You should also know SEO techniques on how to write brilliant content that will earn you more money. Learn about SEO as much as you can cause there’s always to learn more with Google’s updates. Here is an amazing tutorial to help you get started with Google Analytics:

3. Submit Your Website to Google Search Console (For Indexing)

Did you know you also need search-in-site links to your blog?

This is crucial because then visitors don’t need to type in your website name. One can simply type the topic they want to read and relevant blogs will pop up. This helps eliminate one step of the search process.

Suppose you created a new website and started writing content, what will be your first goal after that?

Obviously, to get it ranked on search engines (specifically Google). But, how will Google rank your website when it does not even know about it?

Therefore, we have to tell the search engines about our website so that they can consider us to rank in the search results for certain keywords. This process is called Indexing.

It also provides easy reach to your blogs and hence you will get more traffic. This way more and more people will discover your blogs and your website could get famous worldwide!

This is why submitting your website to the Google Search Console is necessary. In the same manner, check out Bing and Yahoo webmaster tools to submit your blogs there. Here is an amazing tutorial that can guide you on how to get your website indexed on Google using Google Search Console!

Leave no stone unturned!

4. Create Your Official Pages on Social Media Platforms

We don’t even realize how much power and influence social media possesses. One viral post or video and your blog traffic will explode! So don’t shy away and make your official pages on

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Quora
  • Reddit

Social media will help more viewers reach your blog as well as connect with your brand through social media. Make sure your social media pages include your website name clearly. Preferably, keep the same name as your website but you can be creative.

When you first start a blog, social media handles will help you a lot to share your content. It ultimately helps you in establishing your brand presence!

3 Most Important Things To Do Right After Starting A Blog

Woah! If you’re still reading this, you’ve come a long way, friend!

Congratulations on creating your first blog! But now, you need to do some important tasks to get your blog to rank higher and attract more traffic.

Let’s get into it.

1. Create A Sitemap of your blog

A sitemap is like a Table of Contents that shows the structure of your entire website. Having a sitemap helps web crawlers (search engine bots) to access your site. Web crawlers will then be able to display your site in search engine results.

You can use the plugins like Rank Math or Google XML Sitemap to create sitemaps for your website. Using this plugin will be sufficient, you won’t need to make additional sitemap files. Here is an awesome tutorial created by Rank Math on how to create a sitemap for your website in just 5 minutes!

2. Install Some Must-Have WordPress Plugins

To start a blog on WordPress, you will need to install a series of plugins. You must install all these necessary plugins without even thinking twice. These plugins are saviors in different aspects such as website speed, security, optimization, etc.

3. Configure Some Important WordPress Settings

Your WordPress dashboard contains many options and features. But in order to make the most of your website, you need to make some simple but necessary changes. Know that these changes will make your blog site user and search engine friendly.

Go to “Settings” at the top of the screen. Under “Site Title”, give your site a title. 

Under “Tagline”, write a few words which best describe your brand.

General WordPress Settings

Permalink Structure

Permalinks refer to permanent URLs of the blogs, pages, and other links within your website. You can easily optimize your WordPress site by optimizing your permalink structure (or URL structure).

Follow these steps to learn how to optimize your permalink structure:

  • Go to “Settings”
  • Click on “Permalinks”
  • Now look for the options available 
  • You can choose anyone from the options or even choose a custom one
  • “Post name” would be a great option for you because it provides a clear sense of your page.
Permalink Settings on WordPress

If you create a long URL, Google will shorten it. That’s why create a short one with a “Post name” permalink structure for your WordPress site.

How To Start A Blog That Generates $10,000 Per Month In 2024 – In 6 Easy Steps

Steps to start a profitable blog in 2022

To start a blog that makes huge amounts of revenue takes a lot of effort. But it is achievable and possible. A lot of people out there are doing it and so can you!

Simply, you need to: 

  • Establish your website 
  • Build a solid audience
  • Monetize your website

Being experienced bloggers in this industry, we have prepared a detailed section for you to read on. So, are you ready to earn $10k or more per month?

Continue reading!

1. Prepare A Robust Website Monetization Strategy

If you wish to start a blog that generates great revenues, then you need to know exactly the “how”. In short, a blueprint is what you need. Do you know what is affiliate marketing? Did you know you can create online courses and sell them? Did you know you could sell your personalized merchandise?

How interesting, right? 

There are so many monetization strategies therefore, it’s crucial for you to create a framework on how you’re going to approach this. Make a profit-making strategy in advance so that you can follow along with your steps. You can easily multiple passive income streams from your blog. 

Below are some of the best passive income stream ideas that can help you make money from your blog!

1. Promote Affiliate Products and Tools

Make money by Promoting Affiliate products

One of the best passive income streams is affiliate marketing. Under this, you will be selling affiliate products and doing promotions. And when you bring a good amount of traffic to your blogs using strong SEO techniques, your affiliate sales would also increase exponentially.

SEO affects marketing much more than social media or other referrals. So, try to be great at SEO content. To help you out, we have a fantastic guide on SEO content writing, you must check out – What Is SEO Content? : 7 Amazing SEO Content Tips

It sounds clickbait, but you can start a blog and make money while sleeping with affiliate marketing!

Basically, you have to sell a marketer’s or brand’s products for commission through special affiliate links. According to statistics, affiliate marketing is now worth $7.4 billion in the US alone. And, it is approximately a $12 billion industry globally. 

Affiliate marketing spendings in US stats

The best way to earn income through affiliate marketing is by providing valuable and authentic information. You can try the following types of content:

  • Product reviews
  • Comparison blogs
  • Discounts/ Promo codes
  • Product case studies

2. Sell Your Own Products Online

Selling your own products is the classic way of making money. You can start a blog and provide links to your products! It’s what people have been doing for centuries and is also one of the greatest business ideas.

You can sell a variety of things and put them on sale for your blog readers.

What products can you sell through your blog website?

  • SaaS tools
  • Merchandise
  • Online courses
  • eBooks, plugins, software
  • Animated templates, logos, and much more
Adam Enfroy selling online courses

Have a look at these blogs. They are also utilizing the same marketing strategy:

These blogging sites are potentially earning millions through a variety of income streams. You can start a blog and become one of them, earning thousands of bucks every month!

To make money by selling digital products, your marketing strategy should be exactly like this:

  • Write in-depth blogs about your products
  • Focus on informative and authentic content
  • Giving solutions to problems

3. Make Money Through Consulting

Consultancy, as well as mentorship programs, can be a great source of revenue for your blogs. One-on-one sessions with your customers will allow your customer’s needs to be met. This also attracts potential users to your website for such services.

When you solidify your brand name, that’s when the audience will trust you more and pay for your services. Provide the best quality content that there is, about your domain.

If you will optimize your website in this way, people will be automatically drawn to you.

2. Make SEO Your Best Friend

Make SEO your best friend for blogging success

By now, you already know a lot about SEO. SEO or search engine optimization is something that you should thoroughly optimize from Day 1.

We keep using the word “optimize”, right? 

That basically means that you need to use SEO to your utmost advantage when you start a blog. How to start a blog that makes $10k to $20k per month immediately? 

You cannot. That is not achievable or realistic. But you can bet on SEO to be your friend along the way to your $10k per month. SEO helps not only to gather traffic but also the right kind of audience.

You must keep check of these 3 things while performing SEO:

  • The content you create
  • The keywords you include
  • The backlinks you generate

Let’s discuss all these crucial SEO aspects in detail to help your blog rank higher:

1. The Content You Create

Long-form content or blogs tend to rank better in search engines like Google. So, try to write blogs of 2000+ words at least if you want your content to get recognized soon.

But the most important task is to provide quality content that is reliable, authentic, and relevant. Prefer quality over quantity!

Want to speed up your blog writing process?

Let AI write high-quality content for you, try using Jasper to help you get started with the blog and monetize your content very soon!

Don’t tell anyone, we have a secret deal for you 🤫🤫🤫. Get 10,000 free words by signing up for Jasper from our discounted link!

2. The Keywords You Include

Keyword research helps you get your blog rank higher

Conduct proper keyword research. Keyword research is a major step when you’re just starting out a blog. Your target keywords will vary from topic to topic.  So make sure to research enough on this so that you pick just the right keywords and key phrases when you start a blog.

Try to find competitive long-tail keywords with:

  • High search volume
  • High CPC(Cost Per Click)
  • Low keyword difficulty

However, we understand how tedious manual keyword research can be when you first start a blog.  For this reason, you can opt for KWFinder, which is the best keyword research tool.

KWFinder is currently offering a 10-day free trial that comes with all its features. Take full advantage of this opportunity!

3. The Backlinks You Generate

Setting up a backlink is like upvoting your own blog. Backlinks are treated like “votes” by Google. In order to get backlinks to your blogs, you need to:

  • Guest post (write blogs for others to attach your blog links)
  • Do blogger outreach (build relationships with influencers and publishers to promote your content)
  • Do a timely overview of competitor bloggers
  • Do broken link building (Use LinkMiner)

If you want to automate your backlinking process and rank #1 on Google then you can check out the Backlink Beast tool, Get thousands of backlinks at your fingertips without any hassle!

3. Diversify Your Traffic Sources

Get traffic from different sources to your blog

Diversifying your traffic means getting an audience from all over the internet. Your readers should be coming from simple Google search, social media, email lists, Quora, etc.

When you start a blog, create a weekly newsletter for your audience so that they stay connected to you. This way you also ensure frequent site visits from your email list members.

In this way, you can grab a lot of traffic from so many different sources to your blog posts!

4. Set Long Term Goals

Making huge revenues from your blog will take time. Depending on your content quality, SEO, and other factors, it can take months to years. So, always think long-term. 

You must not expect overnight success. With more practice, you will build more skills and understand your way around blogging. Just remember that it’s all about your audience and their needs. As long as you take care of that, you’re good to go!

5. Invest In The Feature-rich Tools

You can’t make good money without a few investments when you first start a blog. In the world of blogging also, you need to invest in certain tools and features to start your venture.

But don’t overspend, invest smartly. There are many basic and cheap options available in the market for beginners like you. So, here are the most important tools that you should buy to start a blog:

That’s it! That’s all you need to put your money into to start a blog. But even out of these three, the most important would be web hosting and SEO tools. You need web hosting to launch your WordPress blog, so that’s a must. But we cannot stress enough the importance of an SEO tool like KWFinder or Rank Math.

At PenChise, we’re using KWFinder for the last one year and we’re amazed by the results. It offers a host of features such as:

  • Keyword look-up
  • Keyword difficulty score
  • Simple UI
  • Free SEO extension
  • Bulk upload + review
  • Domain research
  • Easiest to use
  • List creation
  • Other Mangools tools for free
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • Competitive analysis
  • SEO insights
  • Site audits
  • And more

So, if you’re interested in using KWFinder then grab 40% off on all plans from our discount link!

6. Start Building Your Email List From day 1

Start Building Your Email List From Day 1 of Blogging

One of the most successful ways to build an audience online is through email listings. Over 4 billion people are using email, so you must not lose out on this opportunity.

From Day 1, you should focus on building your email list. There are a lot of email marketing tools available in the market such as ConvertKit. ConvertKit is a great tool with so many exciting and cool features such as managing your email subscribers with ease.

As a beginner, ConvertKit offers a free plan which lets you add up to 1000 members to your email list.

Final Thoughts On Starting A Blog And earning More than $10,000/Month

Finally, we’ve come to the end of a very long and detailed guide. We hope this blog taught you everything you need to know on how to start a blog. Explaining every step in detail, we have tried to make it very simple and easy to understand. This is the most beginner-friendly guide that you will find on how to start a blog and easy tips about blogging for beginners.

Starting a blog is an easy task, but building it and creating a solid income from it will take time, even years. You have to stay pretty consistent at this and keep finding out new and improved tools and methods. 

Blogging is a full-time job today.  It is also very beneficial for any business firm to start a blog of their niche. Just remember to use all the tools and techniques mentioned to start a blog.

You can bookmark this blog and refer to it at every step you take while creating your blog. We will keep it updated as per the new trends, updates, and Google algorithms. Keep making interesting and informative content for your audience.

Good luck!

You can definitely do this! 

FAQs On How To Start A Blog In 2024 And Earn $10k A Month

How can a beginner start blogging?

If you want to start blogging then you must create a WordPress blog and monetize it. Simply follow these steps to start your blog on WordPress:

1. Get a domain name for your blog (Bluehost offers a 1-year free domain).
2. Buy a good web hosting (Bluehost or Hostinger).
3. Install WordPress and start creating awesome content.

How do bloggers get paid?

There are lots of ways to start a blog and make money online through a blogging website. Check out these methods:

1. Affiliate marketing
2. Advertising networks (like Google AdSense)
3. Sell your own products (eBooks, videos, plugins, online courses, digital art)
4. Paid promotion of others’ products
5. Offer consulting services (SEO, blogging, writing, design, etc)

How do I start a blog with no money?

I won’t claim that you can start a blog with NO MONEY. But I can share some of the less costly ways to help you get started! The most important things that you need to invest in: domain, hosting, and SSL certificate.

But I can suggest a way using which you have to pay only for the hosting and you will get a free domain (for 1 year) and a free SSL certificate (for a lifetime). You can choose any of these hosting platforms and use our discount link to grab this deal:

1. Bluehost: $2.95/month for shared hosting
2. Hostinger: $1.99/month for single shared web hosting

Does it cost money to start a blog?

Yes, as mentioned above you need to make a minimum investment of $2-$3 per month to help get started! Use the above-mentioned discount links to start blogging in the cheapest way!


Himani is a digital marketer who has 4 years of experience in blogging and SEO. She started her journey as a freelancer at the age of 18 in 2020 and made $350,000 by working with different high profiled companies and clients. She shares her insightful knowledge and learnings to help people make money online.

This Post Has 3 Comments

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