21 Convincing Reasons For Leaving a Job: Interview Answers for 2024 + Examples

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Good reasons for leaving a job with examples

Job change is inevitable. And so IS, quitting.

Whether you’re happy or unhappy in your current position, you’ll eventually leave it for something better.

As per statistics, 1 out of 3 employees quit due to job dissatisfaction.

Perhaps you’re:

  • Looking for a raise,
  • A new challenge,
  • Were burnt-out,
  • Felt undervalued,
  • Lost motivation,
  • Or simply want a shift from your current position.

The reason for leaving a job could be any. 

However, what you SHOULDN’T quit is integrity.

While interviewing for another job, one question that will ALWAYS come at you is, “Why did you leave your previous job?” 

While you may be really tempted to shoot all the negative things about your previous job, it will only add drama to the story.

So what do you do instead? (of course, check out this article!) 

Let’s get down to business.

21 Good Reasons For Leaving a Job (+Examples To Answer This Dreaded Question in Your Next Interview)

It is indeed challenging to come up with the “acceptable” reasons for quitting a job without coming across as rude to your previous employers, especially when they are justifiably wrong. 

So, if you are wondering, what are good reasons for leaving a job, here are 21 reasons along with appropriate examples to understand how to write the reason for resignation! 

Take a look.

1. You Were Dissatisfied

A VERY common reason to seek employment elsewhere involves underappreciation, feeling undervalued, or dissatisfaction.

It is demotivating if you are overlooked and underappreciated. You often go above and beyond, but your former employer never gave you a bonus or let alone, appreciated you.

That’s a very rational reason to leave a job.

2. You and Your Boss Have a Bad Relationship

Employees DON’T quit jobs, they QUIT employers.

Most long-term employment ceases to exist because of bosses who are short-tempered, are always micromanaging, or otherwise are a pain to be around.

Either way, nobody deserves to work in a toxic environment. You don’t need that long torment!

3. You Wanted a Career Growth

Promotion to a leadership position and a higher income are two main pillars of career advancement.

If you want to leave your job for a higher salary, you should phrase your motives as related to career advancement rather than stating explicitly.

4. Your Qualifications Are Way Too Much for the Job Role

There are always people who are overqualified for all jobs. 

Suppose you landed a job where your most valuable traits and qualifications are going unused at your new job. You are just following orders and not participating in the role.

Eventually, the role starts feeling irrelevant. This is when you can quit to level up to the game.

5. You Left The Dream Job to Follow Your Passions

In case you’ve come to the realization that your “dream job” isn’t what you really want to do for a living, that’s one of the most appropriate reasons for leaving a job.

It just requires an appropriate justification, so be sure to bring it up positively in your interview.

Related: If graphic designing is your passion and you’ve always wanted to be a graphic designer, do check out this comprehensive guide on how to become a graphic designer.

6. You Desire Higher Compensation

Let’s be honest.

Anybody would RUN to get better pay.

Now, even while it comes under the list of good reasons for leaving a job after 4 months, it’s not a good idea to bring it up during the interview process.

Therefore, avoid discussing money and focus on how the position you’re seeking better fits in with your overall skills and career objectives.

7. You Went Through a Relocation

Your spouse’s job, the needs of your aging parents, or any other factor can be the reason to relocate.

While it may fall under family reasons for leaving a job, it is perfectly OK to bring this up in an interview.

Even if you’re highly career-oriented, you might want to look for something else in a different city.

8. You Were Denied a Promotion 

You put in a lot of time and effort over the years and you constantly took the lead on projects.

However, you were not promoted when the time arrived. 

Instead, your boss promoted someone who wasn’t worthy or hired someone from the outside.

Either way, it’s one of the valid reasons for leaving a job.

9. You Wanted a Mentorship

It could be challenging to remain in a position that does not offer the required guidance, provided that you are a young professional.

If you are experienced and are looking to share your wealth of knowledge with younger colleagues, it’s ideal to work for a firm or in a position that values mentoring relationships.

This is an excellent justification for bringing up the list of reasons for leaving a job.

10. Your Career Goals and the Job Were Completely at Odds

There are instances when a job may not be a good fit for your professional goals, even if you enjoy working there.

Although you may have enjoyed your time as a video editor, pursuing that professionally may not be an ideal choice if you are ALSO pursuing a law degree.

Such instances create a clash between your current and future career objectives.

11. Another Company Gave You a Better Deal

Any employee has the right to resign from their position if they receive a better offer from another employer.

When asked the reason behind quitting your job, you can bring up the fact that you were looking for new challenges and opportunities to help you grow in your field of work.

12. You Deserve a Better More Work-Life Balance

Nobody would blame you for seeking a job change if you’re struggling with maintaining the other things in your life. 

Hiring managers are human. They can relate if you’re looking for a way to reduce work-related stress or simply want more leisure time to learn something new.

Finding a good work-life balance is indeed something that many employers would like in their employees as it improves productivity.

13. You Sense a Negative Shift in the Company’s Dynamics

Companies, like people, undergo changes with time.

Perhaps your ideal job was declared void when the company you worked for merged with another.

Or maybe the company’s culture underwent a radical shift when new leadership took over.

Whatever the case is, you have a good reason to quit.

14. Your Family’s Situation Changed Dramatically 

Having to rearrange your job role/schedule is a real possibility when you have familial responsibilities including marriage, looking after parents, etc.

While recruiters look for professional reasons for leaving a job, it is OK to quit in order to prioritize your family.

In fact, most employers respect and value employees who are committed to their families.

15. You and Your NEW Boss Don’t Get Along

There are instances where your former supervisors had faith in you to handle the workload, were charming and engaging, and were excellent leaders.

However, they somehow got replaced, and the new boss is nothing like them.

Although you thought you could keep going, it became toxic. 

Your recruiter will definitely consider this as one of the acceptable reasons for leaving a job.

16. You Got Laid Off

Layoffs happen all the time and are beyond your control. 

Perhaps the software engineering firm you were employed by was recently taken over and the buyer decided to reduce its workforce.

Maybe your store had to minimize its costs by reducing the number of cashiers since their income has declined dramatically.

Whatever the case might be, telling the interviewer about it is perfectly fine.

17. You Have Been Experiencing Personal Issues

Nobody can expect you to prioritize work more than anything else, let alone mental health.

If you had to quit your prior job due to a personal emergency, it is one of the best reasons for leaving a job because your family, health, and personal life are 3x times MORE important than work.

18. You Need Stability

Feeling that your job security is in jeopardy is unsettling. 

Perhaps the company’s budget was lowered, a large number of employees were laid off, and now you are unsure of your future with the company.

When faced with such uncertainty, it’s natural to seek out a position that provides more stability and security.

19. You are Interested in Doing Remote Work

There could be two instances here.

  • One, you had the privilege of doing remote work, however you have not been granted one.
  • Two, your firm has made new changes to its work-from-home policy, which means that you can no longer work remotely. 

This is an acceptable justification for quitting your job.

Bonus: If you’re someone who loves remote jobs, check out the top 13 work from home jobs in 2024 that require ZERO experience! 

20. The Job Didn’t Match the Description or Your Expectations

Let’s say you came across an ad that describes your dream job.

It offers:

  • Competitive salary
  • Fantastic work benefits
  • An exciting work environment
  • All the other perks you would desire. 

However, things aren’t always as they seem when you first start working there.

The work you’re doing is tedious and has nothing to do with your future plans.

The boss is overly controlling and the work environment is just not conducive to success.

In short, it was neither what you expected, nor what it looked like.

This is one of the good reasons for leaving a job on application.

21. You Got Fired!

How to answer why did you leave your last job if fired?

Alright, this isn’t as easy as the other reasons.

While getting fired has its own reasons, talking about it is the difficult part.

The reason behind getting fired does not matter.

What matters is that you use what you learned from your previous employer’s firing to your advantage, while sitting in front of the recruiter and explaining why they should hire you!

What NOT to Say When Discussing The Reason For Leaving Your Job in an Interview? 

NOT alwayshonesty is the best policy”.

Sometimes, the best policy is to manipulate it without being dishonest and disrespectful.

You cannot come up with personal reasons for leaving a job in front of your prospective employer. 

To make your life easier, here is a list of what NOT to say while justifying your reasons for leaving a job.

While some of these may look familiar, do NOT burst your rage at any cost.

❌: “I just hate my boss. He was a prick.”

✅: “While I have enjoyed working for (Former Company), I am excited to explore opportunities where I can work alongside other industry leaders who foster growth and development in their teams.”

Reasons for leaving a job examples

❌: “I just couldn’t take it anymore. I hated the job like anything.”

✅: “While my experience at a large company has been immensely valuable, I have come to realize that I thrive better in a smaller, more dynamic environment.”

Reasons for leaving a job on application examples

❌: “They never increased my salary.”

✅: “While I have gained valuable experience and received several promotions at (FORMER COMPANY), I am now seeking a role that offers greater opportunities for professional growth.”

Examples of reasons for leaving a job

❌: “That workplace was toxic as hell.”

✅: “My previous role taught me a lot, but I’ve realized the importance of a work-life balance. I am now looking for a company that values and supports a healthy balance between work and personal life.”

Good reasons for leaving a job after 4 months

❌: “The work hours were dreadful and would take my peace away.”

✅: “I am excited to find a role with more balanced work hours, where I can excel professionally while still enjoying personal time outside of work.”

Personal reasons for leaving a job

How to Explain Your Reason to Leave a Job Positively?

Being honest while maintaining diplomacy ISN’T easy. 

However, it is important to control the situation tactfully while also making a good impression. It all comes down to how positively you keep your reason on the table.

Here are a few tips for how do you explain why you are leaving a job!

1. Refrain From Insulting Your Former Employer

For the third time, NEVER, under any situation, become so comfortable with an interviewer that you start spilling the beans about your previous employer.

Even though you feel you both could grab a beer and tell the interviewer everything about how awful your workplace was, you have to resist that temptation.

This is because your goal is to land the job, not diss your ex-boss. 

2. Be Upbeat and Optimistic About Your Job

When asked why you are looking for a new job, start listing out the positives.

Give a brief review of your time there, including your accomplishments and growth. 

Consequently, you can explain you’re leaving to take on new challenges and pursue new possibilities for career growth. 

Starting on a positive note can help you stay focused on the reasons to put for leaving a job while moving forward, rather than dwelling on the negative ones.

3. Express Your Interest in the Current Position You’re Seeking

Start talking about your goals and vision, and how the company you are looking forward to working in perfectly sits with it.

Show that you are extremely career-focused and have done your homework in studying the firm. 

Remember, your new employer is looking to fill a long-term position and wants to know if your career goals/ambitions align with the role and the company’s development path.

Keep a good mindset and highlight how your skills can benefit the company regardless of what happened at your previous job.

Why Does the Reason For Leaving Your Job Matter?

Why Does the Reason For Leaving Your Job Matter?

The whole point of this blog is that interviewers DO ask about the reasons for leaving a job no matter what.

So, here are a few potential reasons why recruiters ask this question and why it actually matters. 

1. To Know if it Was a Resignation

The interviewer is interested in knowing if you voluntarily quit your position or if your company asked you to leave.

The interviewer wants to know if the resignation was compelled because of poor performance, disciplinary action, or some other reason like a merger, organizational changes, cost cutting, etc.

2. To Evaluate if You Quit For the Correct Reasons

Regardless of your designation, employers want to know the circumstances which led you to quit.

For instance, if you quit to focus on your hobbies, employers might be reluctant to hire you for a role requiring more maturity and responsibility. 

On the contrary, resigning from your position because you were underutilized signifies your DESIRE for more responsibility and challenges.

While they may be impressed, they would be willing to determine whether you were truly underutilized.

3. To Know if You Were Fired

This is one of the most complicated subjects that may come up during an interview if you were actually fired.

Although many employers wouldn’t be interested in finding out the reason, many would like to know.

Even if your dismissal was unjust, it will still send a strong negative signal to potential employers.

4. To Evaluate Your Relations With Your Former Employer and Colleagues

Another reason for asking this question involves evaluating your relationship with your previous employer.

It may speak volumes about your attitude, professionalism, and communication skills if you are still on good terms with your previous employer.

5 Additional Tips for Explaining The Reason Behind Why You Left Your Job To The Interviewer

Bringing up this question in an interview provides hiring employers with a wealth of information regarding your very being.

This is why it is crucial that you enter the interview room well-prepared.

(There can be NO room for mistakes!)

Here are some tips on how do you answer why you leave your last job?

1. Jot Down Your Reasons First

Review your resume/CV and think about each of the reasons why you left your position.

Once you’re done, make sure you start filtering out the appropriate justifications that suit a professional setting. 

For instance, it may not be the best idea to mention personal details like a work shift caused by a marriage.

You may instead state that you wanted to switch to a day shift if your previous job required you to work nights.

Pro Tip: If you’re someone who always gets confused between a CV vs a resume, then this blog is a must-read. (Maybe your interviewer might ask you this 😉)

2. Do NOT Expect the Interviewer Won’t Have Follow-up Questions 


Chances are, the interviewer can ask you more questions based on your reasons for leaving a job on your resume.

For instance, if you mention that you’re interested in a new role at the prospective firm, the interviewer will inquire if you applied for that position at your previous firm. 

In a similar vein, if your reason to quit states that you had unresolved problems stemming from misunderstandings, the interviewer may inquire as to how you dealt with them or how you intend to avoid such problems in the future. 

3. Avoid Unnecessary Routes

Get to the point quickly rather than beating around the bush and creating stories.

Just give a brief explanation of why you’re leaving/left.

Once you state the reason, quickly cover it up with your enthusiasm for the new company and your relevant qualifications for the prospective position right away.

4. Leave The Money Issue Off The Table

Make it seem as though you’re seeking better prospects for career advancement rather than better pay if that was your main reason behind leaving.

Discussing money in a public setting, especially while in an interview is considered inappropriate behavior. 

5. Mention Why You’re The Perfect Fit

Whatever your reasons for leaving a job answer may be, try to emphasize how well this new firm fits YOUR needs.

Explain how you are the perfect fit for them. 

One excellent method is to make a thorough comparison between what the prospect IS offering and what WAS lacking at your former firm.

Add every skill in your resume that compliments the job role. This can initiate a healthy discussion and will perfectly justify how the prospective firm can fill that gap. 

Bonus: If you’re a fresher who is looking for a new job, check out this amazing blog on how to create a resume with NO experience.

Wrapping It Up

It is important to understand that EVERY professional has their own distinct reasons for quitting job.

What may seem rational for someone may be irrational to the other.

Whatever the circumstances might be, it is entirely situational and NO reason is irrelevant if it costs you your motivation and peace. 

Yet again, rather than focusing on the past, it’s important to express your arguments in a professional, honest, and optimistic light, considering the future you want in the prospective firm. 

Come up with the answer in such a way that highlights your career goals, what you’ve learned, how much more you’re willing to learn, and how you can contribute to your new position if given a chance!

For more such beginner-friendly career-oriented resources, stay connected with PenChise.

FAQs | What Are Good Reasons For Leaving A Job

1. What reasons can I give for leaving a job?

You can cite reasons like career growth, seeking new challenges, relocation, better work-life balance, desire for remote work, company restructuring, or personal issues. Emphasize positive aspects such as professional development, alignment with your skills, and finding a better fit for your career goals.

2. What are bad reasons for leaving a job?

Bad reasons for leaving a job include speaking negatively about your previous employer, citing personality conflicts without constructive context, leaving for trivial reasons, or focusing solely on financial gain. Avoid blaming colleagues or showing a lack of commitment, as these can reflect poorly on your professionalism.

3. How do I decide to leave a job?

Decide to leave a job by assessing your career goals, job satisfaction, work-life balance, and growth opportunities. Consider if your current role aligns with your long-term objectives. Evaluate the company’s stability, work environment, and if personal circumstances necessitate a change. Make a decision that supports your professional and personal well-being.

4. How to answer why you want to change your job?

Answer why you want to change your job by focusing on positive aspects such as seeking new challenges, career growth, better alignment with your skills, or professional development opportunities. Highlight your enthusiasm for the new role and how it matches your career aspirations and values. Avoid negative comments about your current employer.

5. What to put in a reason for leaving if fired?

When explaining why you were fired, focus on what you learned from the experience. Mention differences in expectations or fit, and highlight the steps you’ve taken to improve. Emphasize your growth and readiness to contribute positively to a new role, avoiding negative remarks about your previous employer.

Sushmita Sharma

Sushmita is a content writer and editor at PenChise, known for her clarity, creativity, and precision. With 5 years of experience across various niches, she specializes in guiding aspiring freelancers and helping online businesses to learn the power of content for profitable success.

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